Happy New Year - Wishing you a year filled with joy, success, and endless possibilities. New Year, New Adventures โ€” Happy 2025 ๐ŸŽ‰

Cub Scouts are boys and girls aged from 9-11 years.  Cubs Scouts will develop their Scouting skills and work in small groups called Sixes.  At their weekly meetings they play games, learn skills and help to plan their future activities and camps.  Helping with plans, such as menus & activities for camp, fosters independence and responsibility.

Cub Scouts take part in County and National events, honing their skills and making new friends.

Resources for Scouters 

Cub resources are available here

View Adventure Skills for Cubs here

Child Safeguarding Statement can be found here

Scouter Resources are available here

Resources for Parents

Volunteer Opportunities are available here

The Cub Uniform can be found here

Parents and Friends Committee information can be found here