7th Louth Coastal Scout Group Child Safeguarding Statement

7th Louth Coastal Scout Group is a member of Scouting Ireland and provides Scouting activities to the members of this Community in this Scout Hall and when away from the Scout Hall on activities. This Scout Group provides the following activities including but not limited to: hiking, camping, canoeing, sailing and any other activities that take place in this Scout Group for children aged 6 – 18:

Principles to safeguard children from harm

This statement recognises that the welfare and interests of children are paramount in all circumstances. It aims to ensure that regardless of gender, marital status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race and membership of the Traveller community, all children have a positive and enjoyable experience of Scouting in a safe and child centered environment and are protected from abuse whilst taking part in any Scouting activities. This Group aims to ensure that Children will be protected from bullying within all Scouting activities in this Scout Group. This Scout Group will ensure that a current and relevant anti-bullying policy is reviewed annually.

Risk assessment

We have carried out an assessment of any potential for harm to a child while availing of our services. Below is a list of the areas of risk identified and the list of procedures and/or policies for managing these risks.
Risk Identified Policies and/or Procedures in place to manage Risk
Bullying of a child Anti-bullying Policy
Risk of harm of sexual abuse of a child by a member of staff/volunteer. Child Safeguarding Policy; Vetting of each volunteer, relevant Safeguarding training completed, all Adults re-vetted and re-trained every 3 years.
Risk of harm of physical/psychological/ emotional abuse of a child by a member of staff/volunteer. Code of Behaviour: assisting adults engaging with children in Scouting
Risk of harm of abuse when away for overnight stays / excursions. Camping and out of Doors policy & The Camping And Out of Doors Guidelines.
Risk of harm of online abuse through social media. Online Safety policy implemented across all social media platforms

In Addition to the procedures listed in our risk assessment the following procedures support our
intention to safeguard children while they are availing of our service.

Procedure in respect of any member of staff/volunteer who is the subject of any investigation
(howsoever described) in respect of any act, omission or circumstance in respect of a child
availing of our service. This process is outlined in Section 5 of Scouting Ireland’s Child
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy & Procedures.

Procedure for the safe recruitment and selection of volunteers to work with children. This policy
is outlined in Section 8 of Scouting Ireland’s Child Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy &
Procedures. Procedure for provision of and access to child safeguarding training and information,
including the identification of the occurrence of harm. This is provided on the Being a Scouter
course which must be completed before adults start working with children.

Procedure for the reporting of child protection or welfare concerns to Scouting Ireland and the
Statutory Authorities. Section 4 of Scouting Ireland’s Child Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy & Procedures.

Anyone can report a concern about a member of Scouting Ireland to the SI Safeguarding Team

Contact a Designated Officer in the Safeguarding Team at SI National Office to report any
concern you may have about a child, volunteer or staff member.

The Designated Officers for Scouting Ireland will be member of Scouting Ireland’s professional
staff and can be contacted on 01 4998014 or

If you are a youth member you can also contact Childline on 0800 11 11 to speak confidentially
about any concern you may have.

All Policies listed are available on or on request from Scouting Ireland National Office at

Implementation and review

We recognise that implementation is an ongoing process.

The 7th Louth Coastal Scout Group is committed to the implementation of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the accompanying child safeguarding policies and procedures that support our intention to keep children safe from harm while availing of our service. 

This Statement will be reviewed by 1st February 2024

or as soon as practicable after there has been a material change in any matter to which the statement refers.

This statement has been published and is displayed in a prominent place on the premises.

It has been provided to all staff, volunteers and any other persons involved with this Scout Group. It is readily accessible to parents and guardians on request. A copy of this Statement will be made available to the Health and Social Care Trust Gateway Service and members of the public if requested.