It’s that time of year again we are asking every Scout Section to help as much as possible. Every year the Cub Scout Section collect for the homeless in Drogheda. Such a wonderful group who we have supported ever year and we are asking this year earlier so we can make
an impact and allow us to give more. Below is a list of items that is always required
Noodles, pasta, rice, cereal pots, small cereals, porridge, biscuits, chocolate, cereal bars, cooking sauces, soups Tinned, cuppa and package, Tinned foods peas beans spagetti etc, pots of fruit, custard and jelly, creamed rice, small cereals, porridge, crisps, water etc… Please check dates on all food. Deodorant, shower gel, toothpastes, soap, wipes, lady products, socks for all men women and even kids, razors, gloves, hats scarves.
This year there is a much bigger need than ever before. Not only for adults but children too. A lot of families will benefit from your kindness. There will be a box left in the den for donations from next Wednesday, we will leave it there until nearer Christmas so the more you can donate will help.