The Boy Scouts movement originated in England on January 24, 1908, when Robert Baden-Powell published the initial issue of “Scouting for Boys.” Many English lads were already familiar with the Baden name, and hundreds of them gladly purchased the handbook. The publication of “Scouting for Boys” was completed by the end of April, and dozens of spontaneous Boy Scout groups had sprouted across the United Kingdom.
After his 217-day defense of Mafeking during the South African War, Powell became a British national hero in 1900. “Aids to Scouting,” a military field handbook he wrote for British troops in 1899, became popular with a younger demographic soon after. Boys were enthralled by the tracking and observation training and devised complicated games using them. After hearing this, Powell developed a civilian field manual for teens that emphasized morals and good acts.
Scouts Founder’s Day is observed on February 22, the birthdate of Robert Baden-Powell and, incidentally, his spouse Olave Baden-Powell, in practically all Scout organizations worldwide. In Kenya, Powell’s tomb has become a pilgrimage destination, with troops of the Kenya Scouts Association and Kenya Girl Guides Association visiting the grave every year.
Individual organizations may also commemorate their founding dates on other occasions; however, these are usually limited to significant anniversaries, such as decennials. The Girl Scouts of the United States celebrate Founders Day on October 31 — Juliette Gordon Low’s birthday.